# 📖 2020 年度汇总
# 📰 业界动态
- Vue 于
- React 于
- Webpack 于
- TypeScript 于
- Tailwind CSS 于
# 📈 趋势报告
🔗 站点链接 | 📄 介绍 |
The State of Developer Ecosystem in 2020 Infographic (opens new window) | JetBrains 开展的第四次年度开发者生态系统调查的汇总结果。2020 年初接受调查的 19,696 位开发者的反馈帮助我们确定了工具、技术、编程语言和开发领域许多其他激动人心的方面的最新趋势。 |
State of CSS 2020 (opens new window) | 2020 CSS 现状调查 |
State of JS 2020 (opens new window) | 2020 JS 现状调查,目前还在调研报告收集阶段,你也可以参与其中 |
State of Vue.js 2021 (opens new window) | 2021 Vue 现状调查,目前还在调研报告收集阶段,你也可以参与其中 |
The State of the Octoverse 2020 (opens new window) | GitHub 在 2020 年底发布了 2020 年社区和开发者报告,主要包含了全球开发者工作与生活平衡情况、赋能社区健康以及全球软件安全报告三个部分。 |
# 🔧 工具类
🔮 传送门 |
第 13 期 |
第 14 期 |
第 15 期 |
第 16 期 |
第 17 期 |
第 18 期 |
第 19 期 |
第 20 期 |
第 21 期 |
第 22 期 |
第 23 期 |
第 24 期 |
汇集了 SVG、Color、Fonts & Icons、CSS Grid 相关分类的工具
- Svg Spreact (opens new window) - Public endpoint to generate SVG Sprites
- SVG Path Visualizer 📐 (opens new window) - Enter a SVG path data to visualize it and discover all its different commands
- SVG Favicon Maker (opens new window) - 可以用
制作 SVG 格式的 Favicon。 - SVG Path Editor (opens new window) - 一个在线的免费的 SVG Path 编辑器
# Color
- Nice Color Palettes (opens new window) - A JSON of the top color palettes on ColourLovers.com, as RGB hex strings.
- BackgroundCheck (opens new window) - Automatically switch to a darker or a lighter version of an element depending on the brightness of images behind it.
- colorcube.js (opens new window) - Dominant color extraction from RGB images—DOM port of Ole Krause-Sparman's algorithm
- Color Thief (opens new window) - 一个可以抓取图片中使用过哪些颜色的工具
- palettelist (opens new window) - pick 2 colors to generate your palettes
- Sorted Colors (opens new window) - Sorted Colors a tool to sort the named CSS colors in a way that it shows related colors together.
- chroma.js (opens new window) - Chroma.js is a small-ish zero-dependency JavaScript library (13.5kB) for all kinds of color conversions and color scales.
# Fonts & Icons
- FontSpark (opens new window) - a simple tool to help designers quickly find the best fonts for their projects
- Entypo+ (opens new window) - 411 carefully crafted premium pictograms by Daniel Bruce
- glow-sans (opens new window) - SHSans-derived CJK font family with a more concise & modern look. 未来荧黑·未來熒黑·ヒカリ角ゴ:基于思源黑体改造,拥有粗度和宽度系列,更加简明现代的超大字体家族。
- icones (opens new window) - ⚡️ Icon Explorer with Instant searching, powered by Iconify
- Font Playground (opens new window) - 一个可以玩转字体的可视化工具
- Phosphor Icons (opens new window) - Phosphor is a flexible icon family for interfaces, diagrams, presentations — whatever, really.
# CSS Grid
- Layoutit! (opens new window) - Layoutit! is a CSS Grid Generator.
- Grid Graden (opens new window) - A game for learning CSS grid layout 🥕
- Griddy (opens new window) - Learn the CSS Grid!
- Introduction To CSS Grid Layout (opens new window) - Firefox 为开发者准备的
CSS Grid Layout
# JAMStack 技术栈
JAMStack 技术栈相关内容
🔗 站点链接 | 📄 介绍 |
JAMStack Themes (opens new window) | JAMStack 主题 |
How to deploy a vue site on Netlify (opens new window) | 来自 Sarah Drasner 的小教程 |
Bejamas (opens new window) | 集合了一些 JAMStack 站点模版 |
VueTelemetry (opens new window) | Discover websites made with Vue.js/VuePress/Next.js ... |
# 📚 精品教程
2020 我的工作偏向Web动效,所以跟Web动效相关的教程多了一点
# 💻 应用推荐
应用 | 平台 | 📄 介绍 |
GitPoint (opens new window) | iOS | GitHub in your pocket |
Itsycal for Mac (opens new window) | macOS | 📅 Mac 端的好用的日历软件 |
Gifski (opens new window) | macOS | Convert videos to high-quality GIFs |
Nucleo (opens new window) | macOS | Icon Organizer & Icon Library |
Pretzel (opens new window) | macOS | A smart, simple desktop app that shows and searches keyboard shortcuts based on your currently focused app. |
Color Slurp (opens new window) | macOS | The best Mac color picker in the universe! (free) |
Iconset (opens new window) | macOS | 一站式 SVG 图标管理工具 Organize SVG icons in one place |
Responsively (opens new window) | macOS | 一款前端开发者必备的浏览器响应式调试工具,让你工作起来更容易。重要的是免费 |
massCode (opens new window) | macOS | A free and open source code snippets manager for developers. It helps you create and organize your own personal snippets collection and have quick access to it. |
Hidden Bar (opens new window) | macOS | 一个可用于隐藏 Mac 系统的 Menu Bar 的小工具,已上手,很好用。 |