# 📖 2020-11
# 星推
🧰 Collection of essential Vue Composition Utilities for Vue 2 and 3.
一个可以兼容 Vue 2 / Vue 3 的通用的工具类集合,使用 Vue Composition 构建
# 工具
SVG Path Editor (opens new window)
一个在线的免费的 SVG Path 编辑器
A JavaScript API for drawing unconventional text effects on the web.
Socialify helps you showcase your project to the world by generating a beautiful project image like the one above!
Easings 提供了 Web 动画常用的30个缓动函数,帮助你选择正确的缓动函数。
一个可以根据提供的文本自动生成词云图的小工具,感兴趣的同学可以了解下背后的工作原理 (opens new window)
30 Seconds of TypeScript (opens new window)
30 Seconds of Javascript
版本Introduction To CSS Grid Layout (opens new window)
Firefox 为开发者准备的
CSS Grid Layout
上手教程Tailwind Cheat Sheet (opens new window)
方便查阅 Tailwind 语法的小工具
vue-digit-animation (opens new window)
A digit animation component with wheel/slide effect for Vue 3.
我开发的一个数字滚动动画类库,目前仅支持 Vue 3
# 教程
FLIP Your Animations (opens new window)
Animations in your web app should run at 60fps. Not always easy to achieve that, and it really depends on what you're trying to do, but I'm here to help. With FLIP.
其他 FLIP 技术文章:
SVG, Favicons, and All the Fun Things We Can Do With Them (opens new window)
CSS in 3D: Learning to Think in Cubes Instead of Boxes (opens new window)
# 阅读
10 Ways to Create Delightful and User-Friendly Web Animation (opens new window)
Shopify 总结的10种创建令人愉悦、交互友好的Web动画的方法
# 资源
Vue vs. Svelte with Evan You and Rich Harris (opens new window)
https://undefined.fm/ (opens new window) 邀请了
框架作者Evan You
框架作者Rich Harris
Rich Harris
一个免费的构建、分享 Shader 的站点
Beginner’s Guide to Static Site Generators (opens new window)
World of static sites has grown beyond HTML, CSS, and occasional JS, and much of it is owed to static site generators.
, 差评。VueConf Toronto Videos (opens new window)
VueConf Toronto 中分享的演讲视频,都托管在油管上,刚刚结束的都是线上的分享
# 应用
一个可用于隐藏 Mac 系统的 Menu Bar 的小工具,已上手,很好用。