# 📖 2020-04
# 星推
No-bundle Dev Server for Vue 3 Single-File Components.
# 工具
Virtual whiteboard for sketching hand-drawn like diagrams
smartcrop.js (opens new window)
Smartcrop.js implements an algorithm to find good crops for images. It can be used in the browser, in node or via a CLI.
Free Modern URL Shortener.
IFTTT is the free way to get all your apps and devices talking to each other. Not everything on the internet plays nice, so we're on a mission to build a more connected world.
Self-hosted newsletter + mailing list manager
Create mockups, logos, videos & designs in seconds!
GitHub Repository Card for every web site
palettelist (opens new window)
pick 2 colors to generate your palettes
learning-box-model (opens new window)
learning box-model with interactive way.
Lorem Picsum (opens new window)
The Lorem Ipsum for photos.
# 教程
Create a user controlled dark or light mode (opens new window)
This little tutorial gets you going in the right direction, but there’s plenty of work to do to get it up to speed on your website. The most important thing that you need to do is make sure that both your light and dark themes are fully accessible—especially in terms of colour contrast.
How to use CSS Scroll Snap (opens new window)
This article going to show you how CSS Scroll Snap helps you do just that.
How to use and reuse everything in SVG… even animations (opens new window)
If you are familiar with SVG and CSS animations and started to work with them often, here are some ideas you might want to keep in mind before jumping into the job. This article will be about learning how to build and optimize your code with the
element, CSS Variables and CSS animations.RTL Styling 101 (opens new window)
An extensive guide on how to style for RTL in CSS
# 资源
Top GraphQL tutorials reviewed 2019 (opens new window)
2019 值得收藏的 GraphQL 教程列表
Every Default macOS Wallpaper – in Glorious 5K Resolution (opens new window)
一位苹果产品收集爱好者,收集了历代苹果 Mac 系统的默认壁纸
CSS Findings From The New Facebook Design (opens new window)
作者介绍了脸熟新的 UI 设计中,用到了哪些有趣的 CSS 技术
COVID-19 Dashboard (opens new window)
30 Great Websites with Parallax Scrolling (opens new window)
Github help 中文版 (opens new window)
Million Dollar Metropolis (opens new window)
Million Dollar Metropolis is a unique 3D advertising platform built for the modern web. Look around and take in bright lights or opt to buy a futuristic ad in the city for all to see. It was inspired by the original Million Dollar Homepage project from 2005.
# 应用
Color Slurp (opens new window)
The best Mac color picker in the universe! (free)