Setup the Project
Prerequisites for the starter
- Go (1.16 or later)
- Air (1.27.10 or later). This is for backend live reload.
- pnpm The front-end efficient node package manager.
Start the back-end server
follow the command
pnpm run dev:be
air -c backend/scripts/.air.toml
then you will see the messages in the console:
__ _ ___
/ /\ | | | |_)
/_/--\ |_| |_| \_ 1.27.8, built with Go 1.17.3
watching .
!exclude .air
watching api
watching bin
watching bin/server
watching bin/server/cmd
watching common
watching scripts
watching server
watching store
watching store/migration
watching store/seed
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⇨ http server started on [::]:8080
Then the backend server has listened on 8080
Access the database
When you served the Go app with Air
, it will generate a .db
file in the dir:
It's a SQLite database file, you can use any database tools to open it, like TablePlus
Start the frontend server
follow the command
pnpm run dev:fe
cd frontend && pnpm i && pnpm run dev
then you will see the messages in the console:
VITE v3.0.4 ready in 607 ms
➜ Local: http://localhost:5173/
➜ Network: use --host to expose
The app should now be running at https://localhost:3000
and change either frontend or backend code would trigger live reload.
Use another front-end tech-stack
The frontend project generate by vue3-starter, which built on top of vite.
If you want to change the front-end tech-stack, you can follow this guide to Scaffolding Your Vite Project
And configuring your vite.config.ts
like this:
server: {
cors: true,
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: 'http://localhost:8080/',
changeOrigin: true