# 📖 2022-02

# 星推

Github Star 推荐

# 工具

  • stylo (opens new window)

    Another kind of rich text editor

    一个由 DeckDeckGo 维护的框架无关的富文本编辑器项目

    🔗 链接:https://github.com/papyrs/stylo

  • fflate (opens new window)

    High performance (de)compression in an 8kB package

    一个高性能的压缩/解压缩类库,仅有 8KB 大小。

    🔗 链接:https://github.com/101arrowz/fflate

  • Ever Tradoura (opens new window)

    Ever® Traduora - Open-Source Translation Management Platform


    🔗 链接:https://github.com/ever-co/ever-traduora

  • Copy image clipboard (opens new window)


    🔗 链接:https://github.com/LuanEdCosta/copy-image-clipboard

  • Truchet.js (opens new window)

    Performantly render tile patterns

    一款轻量、高性能的用于渲染 SVG 背景图案的类库

    🔗 链接:https://github.com/ykadosh/truchet.js

  • Turborepo (opens new window)

    The High-performance Build System for JavaScript & TypeScript Codebases

    Monorepos 有了更好的选择

    🔗 链接:https://github.com/vercel/turborepo

  • xataio/screenshot (opens new window)

    A zero-dependency browser-native way to take screenshots powered by the native web MediaDevices API.

    零依赖的浏览器原生 MediaDevices API 实现的截图类库,有时间可以看看作者的油管介绍视频 (opens new window),挺有意思的

    🔗 链接:https://github.com/xataio/screenshot

  • imgg.gg (opens new window)

    Capture and share anything as imagggge~ Easy, beautiful and privacy-safe.


    🔗 链接:https://imgg.gg/

  • sanitize-html (opens new window)

    Clean up user-submitted HTML, preserving whitelisted elements and whitelisted attributes on a per-element basis. Built on htmlparser2 for speed and tolerance

    可用于防止 XSS 的一个类库

    🔗 链接:https://github.com/apostrophecms/sanitize-html

# 教程

# 资源

# 应用

  • Timing (opens new window)

    Timing saves you time by automatically tracking your time. It logs apps, websites, and documents. It can also help you bill time and still do start/stop timers, if needed.

    一款可以自动追踪使用软件的时长的应用,类似于 iOS 中的屏幕使用时间,收费略贵。

    🔗 链接:https://timingapp.com/